Proficiency Frequency
Basic Skills 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Physical assessment
Breath sounds
Heart sounds
Neurological assessment
GI assessment
General physical assessment
Blood sampling
Central line
Implanted ports
Intravenous Fluid Administration
Peripheral access: Angiocath, Butterfly, and I.V. lock
Administration/maintenance: Peripheral, Central, TPN, and Lipids
Tubing changes: Peripheral and Central
Site care: Peripheral and Central
Blood/Blood Products Administration
Urinary Catheterization
Placement: Single and three-way
CBI (Continuous / Intermittent Bladder Irrigation)
Enteral Feedings: Continuous and Intermittent
Nasogastric/Salem Sump Tube
Insertion, maintenance (including anti-reflux valve), and removal
Feeding tube: Insertion, maintenance, and removal
Levine tube: Insertion, maintenance, and removal
Jackson-Pratt drain
Wound/Sterile Dressing Care
Oxygen Delivery: Set-Up/Maintenance
Nasal cannula
Partial and non-rebreather masks
Adjunctive Airway Management
Bag valve mask (Ambu bag)
Tracheostomy care
Suctioning: Oral, nasal, and tracheal
Use of Medical Equip: I.V. and PCA pump
Use of Medical Equip: Enteral feeding pump.
Use of Medical Equip: Oxygen tank and regulator
Use of Medical Equip: Finger-stick glucose monitor
Use of Medical Equip: Suction apparatus: Wall and portable
Use of Medical Equip: K-pad
Use of Medical Equip: Hypo/hyperthermia blanket
Use of Medical Equip: Sequential compression device
Use of Medical Equip: Specialty bed/overlay mattresses
Use of Medical Equip: Portable Hepafilter
Use of Medical Equip: Pulse oximeter
Use of Medical Equip: Overhead trapeze
Use of Medical Equip: Incentive spirometer
Use of Medical Equip: Defibrillator
Use of Medical Equip: ECG machine
Reports defective equipment